Useful Links and Information

We have put together some useful links below with information on some of the many Astronomy Tools and services available which we hope you may find useful.

As amateur Astronomers we are very lucky to have access to such detailed and advanced software (in many case for no charge), which make viewing the night sky even easier and more enjoyable.

Planetarium Software:

Stellarium - (Link here)

Astrophotography Stacking & Editing Software:

Deep Sky Stacker - (Link here)

Astro Pixel Processor - (Link here)

Pixinsight - (Link here)

Autostakkert - (Link here)

PIPP - (Link here)

Astrophotography Acquisition & Telescope Control:

Astrophotography Tool - (Link here)

NINA - (Link here)

Fire Capture - (Link here)

Sharp Cap - (Link here)

Plate Solving Software:

All Sky Plate Sover - (Link here)

Autoguiding Software:

PHD 2 - (Link here)

Telescope, Mount & Camera Control Software:

ASCOM Mount Drivers - (Link here)

 Note: The the items listed above are just a small sample of the many great Astronomy tools available. As these are 3rd party services we don't offer direct support for their use, however we have used many of them ourselves and are happy to assist where we can.